2021-22 Faculty Grant Recipients

Level-Up Grant

PI Anthony Bernier



  • 米歇尔·维拉格兰,信息学院专业与全球教育学院

Proposal: 感觉像乞讨:第一代在线研究生在图书馆和信息科学 (LIS)

PI Folarin Erogbogbo

College of Engineering, Biomedical Engineering

Proposal: Novel Anti-Stomal Prolapse Medical Device

PI Wendy Lee

College of Science, Computer Science

Proposal: 基于机器学习的下一代测序识别系统的开发 Errors

PI Matthew Love

College of Education, Special Education


  • Wendy Quach,教育学院,交流障碍与科学

Proposal: 提升跨学科的实践和准备

PI Elisa Mattarelli

College of Business, School of Management


  • Sumita Raghuram,商学院,管理学院

Proposal: 多虚拟团队成员(MVTM)环境下的绩效和幸福感

PI Ellen Middaugh



  • 马克·费尔顿,教师教育学院

Proposal: 授权:利用社会媒体促进对话和公民赋权

PI Anand Ramasubramanian



  • 约翰·李,工程学院,机械工程

Proposal: Four-dimensional Deformation Map of Blood Clots

PI Christopher Smallwood

College of Science, Physics and Astronomy

Proposal: 接近绝对零度的材料光谱学

菠菜网lol正规平台 RSCA Seed Grant Program

PI Michael Aguilar 

University Library

Proposal: 一年级和二年级学生与图书馆的虚拟互动

PI Mark Barash

College of Social Sciences, Justice Studies

Proposal: 从DNA样本中预测外部可见的人类外观,用于执法 Applications 

PI Rebecca Chan

College of Humanities and the Arts, Philosophy

Proposal: A Trio of Works on Transformative Experience

PI Josh Coleman


Proposal: 公平教育在行动:包容lgbtq十年的民族志叙述 Educational Policy in Bay Area Schools 

PI Michael Dao

College of Health and Human Sciences, Kinesiology

提案:移民,抵抗和同化:运动和体育活动经验 of Vietnamerica

PI Mel Day


Proposal: Feeling Good-Wall of Song Project 3.0

PI Marcelle Dougan


Proposal: 冠状病毒期间粮食不安全对社会、饮食和心理健康的影响 Pandemic

PI Daryl Eggers

College of Science, Chemistry

Proposal: 药物开发与COVID-19相关的模型结合研究

PI Nicholas Esker

College of Science, Chemistry

Proposal: Target Production for Structure Studies near 100Sn

PI John Gieng

College of Health and Human Sciences; Nutrition, Food Science and Packaging 

Proposal: Farming Practices of California Tomato Growers

PI Meghan Gorman-DaRif


Proposal: 抵抗现实主义:海盗、毛派和当代自由战士 Postcolonial Fiction

PI Yoon Chung Han

College of Humanities and the Arts, Design 

Proposal: 在韩国首尔举办的“可视化生态系统”个展.Korea in Summer 2022: 利用新媒体技术可视化环境数据

PI Jennifer Hartle


Proposal: 全氟和多氟烷基物质(PFAS)及其与儿童肥胖的关系 in a California LatinX Community

PI Lili He

College of Engineering, Electical Engineering 

Proposal:  一种新颖的本科机器学习程序-迈向构建的一步 Machine Learning Chips at 菠菜网lol正规平台

PI Funie Hsu

College of Humanities and the Arts, Humanities

Proposal: “(擦除)帝国的说明-手稿完成(提前合同)”

PI Nima Karimian

College of Engineering, Computer Engineering

Proposal: 永不灰心:一种新的植入式密钥生成和认证方案 Medical Devices

PI Hahn Koo


Proposal: 民族和语言对语音质量的影响及其对外语的启示 Accent Detection

PI Saili S. Kulkarni

College of Education, Special Education

Proposal: 以残疾为中心,重新构想全球大流行期间的教师准备 Culturally Sustaining Pedagogies

PI Binh Le

College of Engineering, Electrical Engineering 

Proposal: 一种新颖的本科机器学习程序-迈向构建的一步 Machine Learning Chips at 菠菜网lol正规平台

PI Lyle Lustigman

College of Education, Communicative Disorders

Proposal: 成人-儿童共构在早期语言发展中的脚手架作用 西班牙语和英语的跨语言比较

PI Dahyun Oh


Proposal: 长效水锂离子电池电极材料的纳米工程

PI Alexander Payumo 

College of Science, Biological Sciences

Proposal: 为什么哺乳动物出生后就失去了心脏再生的能力?

PI Giselle Pignotti

College of Health and Human Sciences; Nutrition, Food Science & Packaging

Proposal: 加州COVID-19期间的食物获取、生活方式行为和健康结果

PI Gina Quan

College of Science, Physics and Astronomy

Proposal: 社区学院物理专业转校生的学习经历

PI Sharesly Rodriguez

University Library

Proposal: 聊天机器人能满足大学生的信息需求吗?

PI Liat Rosenfield


Proposal: 静脉血栓形成患者红细胞和血小板流动的特征

PI Kohar Scott

College of Humanities and the Arts, Design

Proposal: The Virtual Factory; Connecting with Materials and Manufacturing Through Virtual Reality 

PI Tanqin (Kelly) Shi

College of Business, Global Innovation

Proposal: COVID-19对应用行为分析服务的影响:运营挑战 and Opportunities

PI Sonia Singhal

College of Science, Biological Sciences

Proposal: 在不同速率变化的环境中突变积累的模式

PI Amanda Stasiewicz

College of Social Sciences, Environmental Studies

Proposal: 探索地方消防部门的能力——应对不断变化的风险暴露、能力、 and Resource Demand in a Wildfire-prone World

PI Kim Tsai


Proposal: COVID-19期间家庭动态和青少年幸福感的纵向变化 Pandemic: A 3-year Study

PI Miguel Valero

College of Science, Meteorology and Climate Science

Proposal: 遥感观测资料同化改进野火蔓延预报

PI David Wagner


Proposal: Bioenergy from Agricultural Wastes

PI Yolanda Wiggins


Proposal: 当家庭去上大学:黑人学生如何处理家庭和家庭之间的紧张关系 School

PI Angela Wu

College of Humanities and the Arts, Design

Proposal: “对别人做”动画短片和增强现实同伴片原型

PI Kezban Yagci Sokat


Proposal: 分析与反贩运行动的整合:有针对性的外展计划

PI David Yan

College of Engineering, Technology

Proposal: 振动辅助堆焊强化选择性激光熔化Ti-5553航空航天 Structures