
只使用一个 采购订单 for the entire year is the most efficient way to pay for multiple purchases from 同一个供应商.

If you expect to need products and/or services from 同一个供应商 more than once or twice during the fiscal year, please submit a 征用 for a blanket purchase order.

注意:  Prior to submitting a 征用, review 付款方式 for alternative purchasing methods for products/services.  For example, most supplies and equipment can be purchased with the use of a university ProCard.

毯子订单 are primary source agreements designed to accommodate campus needs on an on-going basis for a specified period of time. They usually specify:

  • Category of products and/or services that can be purchased
  • Maximum dollar amount
  • Time period based on the fiscal year (July 1st through June 30th)

For more information, also see our Negative Confirmation Policy.